

The Microphone

Chris and Iris put the main focus on their technique: hand-to-hand acrobatics. They perform without music and instead speak short statements into a microphone. Authentically and with a lot of humor they talk about their collaboration and the feeling of being on stage. Playing with the microphone and their size difference alternates with high level acrobatics.

The number has been awarded at numerous festivals, including the silver medal at Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain in Paris.

“The hand-to-hand acrobatics of the newcomers Chris & Iris are cheeky, happy and breathtaking. This number alone is worth visiting the show."

(Höchst Taunus Newspaper )

8 minutes

Languages (so far): German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Schwitzerdütsch, (Swabian, Austrian dialect)

Video The Mircophone (english/french) - full length

My girl

This number is full of energy and winking. In the style of rock'n'roll, Chris and Iris electrify the audience. Lively and charming, the two play with each other and the question: "Are you gonna be my girl?"

"... breathtaking, and clearly a real audience pleaser as the whole place was a storm of clapping and roars of approval at the end of their piece."


5 minutes

I pass and Lift

I pass and lift are two hand-to-hand numbers that can be wonderfully combined, but also stand on their own.
Atmospherically, the numbers differ, one peotic and full of tension, the other cheerful and energetic.
Both numbers are based on a movement research that deals with the possibilities of the size difference of the duo.

I pass and Lift are part of the show GAP of 42.

6 minutes / 4 minutes

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